Sunday, April 3, 2016

Influenster Spirit VoxBox ♥ Unboxing/Review

Hello pasta noodles!
Sorry it's been so long since I've made a blog post! It has been awhile since I have received a box to unbox on this blog! I took a break from subscription boxes so I could pay off student loans. I'm still in the process of doing so, but in the meantime I came across a site that if you sign up, take surveys, fill out your profile, write reviews and answer questions, then you will most likely be sent FREE STUFF!!! This site in particular is called "Influenster". They are one of many word of mouth companies that will send you FREE products in exchange for your honest review and sharing on everyday social media platforms. 

I've been signed up with Influenster for a couple weeks now, and I already have received my first VoxBox! (which is the box of free stuff they send out from time to time). Based on the combination of the surveys I have taken and my social media impact score, they matched me with a college themed voxbox called the Spirit VoxBox!

**Disclaimer**: These products were sent to me for free from Influenster for review purposes**

This Spirit VoxBox was one of Influensters college themed voxbox's, so because of all of the surveys I've taken through their website, they knew to match me (a college student) with this box. You can see in this picture that these are a few products you would probably find in many college student's backpacks. On-the-go wipes, a candy bar, a quick touch up makeup item....and I guess some tea xD

As you can see my fluffy dog was not having it with me taking pictures ;) 
So like with any other box sending service, they include a very festive information card that basically includes a little description of each item. It looks like there was one extra item that they only sent to a select few who also received this box, and it was a Kerastase curly hair treatment. I do remember them sending a survey right before they sent this box (just to make sure I was still a college student and could benefit from this box) and they asked about my hair type. I have more wavy...frizzy kind of hair, so I guess I wouldn't have benefited from that treatment. Either way the box did seem a little lacking without that item (not that I'm complaining, it was still free nonetheless!). 

So the first thing out of the box was this Yogi Tea sample. I will admit that I'm not a huge tea drinker (definitely enjoy my fair share of coffee though) so I wasn't too excited for this. But I could see how some college students would love this (anything to keep us awake and running, am I right?). I'll still have a cup of tea from time to time, so I decided to try out the Blueberry Slim Life instead of the Green Tea Kombucha. It tasted like green tea but with a hint of blueberries. I will say that for a regular tea brand, it was quite delicious, so if you're a huge tea fan Yogi teas might just do it for you! And the cool thing about Yogi teas is that each one of their teas seems to have a special purpose. The Blueberry Slim one I tried is made to be drinked alongside a "dieting program". The Kombucha one is meant to help with your digestive tract. I've seen another one before where it was raspberry tea meant to help relieve menstrual cramps. Very very cool. Plus they included a dollar off coupon for another box of Yogi tea!

I know it might seem like I'm complaining a little bit....just a little :P but a candy bar seems to be a You know what I mean? Like I would have rather they included a coupon for this and thrown something else in the box to try. But again, seeing as I got this for free, I really should shut my pie hole! I did try this out, and to me, it was basically combining a Snickers bar and Kit Kat into one. It's just how it sounds, a crispier Snickers bar. I did find it nice that there were 2 squares of this included in the bag, so if you wanted to share it or save it for later than the options there. Having said that, it was a good candy bar! 

Okay, now this one I have no problem complaining about because everyone else who has received this box has pretty much complained about it too! This is a lip and cheek stain from NYC's Lovatics collection by Demi Lovato. I pretty much never use lip and cheek stains unless they're sent to me, so I was eager to try this. I swatched this on my hand and knew instantly that I wasn't going to put this on my cheeks, for many reasons. Once you place a slab of it on your hands, it's there. Done. Game over. A good lip and cheek stain will give you time to blend it out before it stains completely. This does not do that. No bueno...So even if you discover this and try to take it off with a heavy duty makeup remover, it STILL won't come off. I just felt bad for the people that went right for their cheeks first time trying this out. They'll just have random pink dots on their cheeks for a week. I had my mom try it on her lips since she offered. She still put this over a lip liner, but it was decent according to her. I haven't followed up to see if it lasted all day, but from what others have said it really doesn't. I'm just hoping Demi gets feedback from this and others who have tried it and tries to convince NYC to change the formula. I suggest splurging on the Benetint by Benefit if you want a good lip and cheek tint. 

And finally, they included these to-go feminine wipes. I knew they were going to send something like this because in that survey I was talking about, they asked me if they sent feminine wipes, would I be willing to try them. And I of course answered yes because free stuff is free stuff and I'll try anything. And if you've ever been on a plane for a long period of time, been in a public restroom without toilet paper situation, or just plain felt a little gross in that area, than you know how helpful having these to go wipes are. The cool thing about these is that they are made with 98% natural ingredients too. The only other feminine wipes that I have tried in the past have been Summer's Eve ones and ended up enjoying them, so I'm excited to try these out and will update you guys on how well they work. 


All in all, I was happy to have received this box for free. It was very generous on Influenster's part. Since I'm still giving my honest opinions and reviews regardless, I am choosing to rate this voxbox a 2/5 stars. I already know that if I would have payed even $5 for this box, I would have been severely disappointed. The free aspect of this really saved me from giving this 1/5 stars. I liked the wipes, was eh about the tea and the candy bar, and was disappointed with the lip and cheek stain. I hope this doesn't deter Influenster from sending me more voxbox's in the future, because I just think it was coincidence with the items I was sent. I have seen pictures of plenty of other Voxbox's that I know I would have been ecstatic to have received. 

I also hope that those of you reading who are a little on the fence about Influenster still give it a chance! All you have to do is be active on their site and earn badges and complete their surveys and that's it, you will most likely be sent your first Voxbox just like how I did. 

Hope you are all having a wonderful day, and until next time, take care loves <3

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